Not the image of health that I want
I find it quite curious, as I peruse the "fashion" magazines, only to find pictures of what I don't want. Waif-ish girls that look as if they haven't had a nutritious meal in weeks, with a far off "I am so depressed I could die" look on their faces. I wonder, what are the photographers saying to elicit this response "Alright darling, your childhood pet didn't love you" or "all of the blood is draining from your body-work it." Ug, I don't get it. How is this what we call fashion? As if the meth addict look is desirable. The feeling that it evokes in me is pity, not-"I have to rush out and buy what she is wearing."
How do you feel when you look at these models?
Are the designers creating what the American consciousness is reflecting or moving towards? Eating disorders, emotional anxiety, the look of destitution that has erased the purpose of their existence? It saddens me to see that emotion and potential is wiped off their faces. Designers are artists and clothing is their medium yet I flip through the pages and can't help but remark "Damn, that's nasty!" Art is in the eye of the beholder, but no matter how hard I squint, I just can't see it.
Do I look happy? I ordered happy!!!!!!!!
On the other hand you have the overly excited models that are selling you weight loss pills, diet soda something or fast food, look a "little" more like you but they seem 1 million times happier. Great marketing to get you to buy their product because it is going to make you SOOOOOO deliriously happy. They forever have you by the pocket book because you want what they have! "I love to workout, I have all the free time in the world, my children listen to every word I say and always pick up after themselves because I saved money at (insert any store name)."
Both types of modeling/advertising are trying to get you to buy something and at the same time they are telling you something horrible. You are not enough, you are not whole, you must be broken because you don't have what we have. We search for happiness and beauty outside of ourselves when it has to come from within. Sadly this race to find happiness outside of ourselves is what runs people into their medical doctor to get a dose of fake happy since they can't find the real happy. They pop pills to haze their mind from their emotions, which are totally natural (emotions are natural not the popping pills part). We are human, we have feelings - everyone of us.
It is one of my greatest joys when the people that seek us out in our office reduce, and then completely get off their anti-depressant and or anxiety drugs. People do not know that Chiropractic can help with depression and anxiety, but it does-everyday. The chemicals that regulate your body (including your emotions) are directed by the brain which sends messages over your nervous system to the glands that secrete these chemicals and hormones. The Chiropractic doctor ensures that there is nothing blocking those messages from getting the dosages right, naturally. No wonder why drug companies dislike Chiropractors, they are taking their good paying customers and helping them become healthier and happier without the drugs, from the inside out.
So next time you flip through a magazine or see a commercial on TV, remember - Vogue Can Suck It! I am enough and I ROCK because I get adjusted!